Contact information
Piscine et mini-golf d'Aigle
Avenue des Glariers 3
1860 Aigle
Located in the grounds of the Aigle swimming pool, the Aigle minigolf course has 18 holes. Agility and precision are not a question of age, and it is not unusual to see children winning the game.
Passing through tunnels, looping... and all this in the fewest possible strokes. To challenge each other in a friendly atmosphere, tournaments are organised throughout the summer. And to congratulate the winner, there's ice cream for everyone at the poolside restaurant.
The Aigle mini-golf course has 18 holes. Adults and children, take it in turns to try and get the ball to the hole.
Adults | CHF 4 |
Children (from 5 years old), student. AVS, AI | CHF 3 |
Aigle Tourisme
Place du Marché 2
1860 Aigle
+41 24 466 30 00