This 18th century house still exists: it is hidden by large trees at the corner of Rue du Cropt and Rue Centrale. Originally, this house was surrounded by a huge piece of land, most of which was sold to the Commune in 1977.
The small building located in the centre of the Parc Ausset houses public toilets and was the subject of an original project in 2011: a mosaic created by asylum seekers of eight different nationalities, in collaboration with some forty pupils and a teacher from the schools of Bex, beautifully covers the facades of this building.
Based on a montage designed by Ariane Monod Saboga, an artist and visual arts teacher from Bex schools, the project was supported by the Municipality of Bex and supervised by the Embellimur association, which has already created such frescoes with migrants in Sainte-Croix, Moudon, Lausanne and Prangins. Many children from Bex also contributed to the evolution of the fresco.
Two of the four sides of the aedicula are decorated with the silhouettes of two mountains surrounding the town of Bex - the Dents de Morcles and the Dents du Midi - and a decoration celebrating nature with butterflies, flowering tree branches, water lilies and goldfish. All these elements fly or swim between the water and the sky in a general movement, creating a somewhat surreal, imaginary atmosphere.
Each pupil in the 7th year of Harmos and the reception class chose a theme (goldfish, butterflies, flowers of their choice, silhouettes of the mountains) and drew a colour picture on an A5 format. The scanned drawing was laminated so that it could be consulted on the spot in order to better see the details when they were made.
The Municipality of Bex, the Embellimur association and the Etablissement vaudois d'accueil des migrants (EVAM) inaugurated the fresco on Friday 23 December 2011.
For more information:
Ms Monod Saboga's website: http://ariane-monod.ch/ariane/Accueil.html
Office du Tourisme de Bex
Avenue de la Gare 68
1880 Bex
+41 24 463 30 80