The terminal shoot of this Cypress is always curved. Also known as Lawson's False Cypress, it can reach 60 metres in western North America. In Europe, the tree reaches a height of only 30-40 metres.
Quai Doret:
This walk along the Grande-Eau on the south bank is dedicated to Gustave Doret, a Bourgeois d'honneur and famous musician born in Aigle. You walk along a line of lime trees before discovering tall conifers.
The Pont de la Partisson has spanned the river since 1725. The bridge changed its name at the beginning of the 19th century because Napoleon is said to have stopped here in 1800.
On the north bank of the river, the poplars that traditionally lined the banks have disappeared, replaced by the plane trees of the Chemin des Noyers!
Latin name: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Origin: Oregon and California, USA
Circumference: 235 cm
Height: 15 m
Lifespan: 300 to 400 years
Aigle Tourisme
Place du Marché 2
1860 Aigle
+41 24 466 30 00