Contact information
Société d'apiculture du Pays-d'Enhaut
Route de Sonlomont 24
1660 Les Moulins
This society was formed by a group of beekeepers who shared a passion for this ‘sweet’ venture. The society works together to promote and ensure the quality of their products and organize meetings to inform fellow beekeepers of any new techniques.
Mountain honey is produced in alpine regions with altitudes between 800 and 1800 meters. Depending on where the beehives are located one can distinguish the taste of different mountain flowers such as dandelions and other mountainous flowers.
Bees are extremely sensitive to pollution and beekeepers keep a close eye on their bee’s behavior in order to control pollution levels in mountainous regions.
The Pays-d’Enhaut Beekeeping Society ensures quality products created in harmony with nature, therefore enabling their honey to wear the Authentic Products label.
List of beekeepers who have checked their honey to obtain the Pays-d'Enhaut label, Authentic Products, year 2020:
Pays-d'Enhaut Région Économie et Tourisme
Chemin des Ballons 2
1660 Château-d'Œx
+41 26 924 25 25