© José Crespo

Museums and exhibitions in the Alpes vaudoises

A visit to the museum takes you back to our region's past and traces its development to the present day. Enrich your knowledge of historical anecdotes, heritage information or highlights of life in the Alpes vaudoises.

Are you an enthusiast of the arts, historical sites, culture or gastronomy? More than an alternative to rainy days, these permanent or temporary sites welcome you and allow you to increase your knowledge of the region!

Several museums, exhibitions and art galleries are to be discovered throughout the year in the Alpes vaudoises region. Among the main museums, explore the following places:

  • At Château-d'Œx, the Espace Ballon presents the incredible adventure of hot air ballooning.

  • In Aigle, the Vine and Wine Museum presents the activities and history of the world of wine. Other establishments such as the Museum of the Organ in Roche or that of old cars will delight the most curious of people.

  • In Aigle, the Espace Graffenried, an art exhibition space located in the former Maison de Ville of Aigle, which highlights the work of regional artists and temporary thematic or monographic exhibitions.

  • In the village of Vers-l'Eglise, the Musée des Ormonts highlights the heritage of the region through several temporary exhibitions.

  • In Bex, dive into the heart of the earth by visiting the Salt Mines of Bex and its kilometres of galleries which lead you to the discovery of white gold.

  • In Leysin, historians will be thrilled by the Museum of Old Leysin which retraces the entire history of the village through documents and old objects

Musée des Ormonts bâtiment - Christophe Racat
Learn more about our history

Go back to the past of the Vaud Alps


Cultural events and exhibitions in the Alpes vaudoises!

Visit the artistic and cultural exhibitions, whether contemporary or traditional. Your curiosity about Alpine know-how, the work of the winemaker, the epic of the hot air balloon of Château-d'Œx or vintage cars will be satisfied by attending our events or visiting the various museums.

Explore the cultural heritage of the Alpes vaudoises!

The local heritage is rich: unique know-how, typical architecture of the Alpine valleys, Alpine traditions, artisanal and local products. Discover other heritage curiosities that may interest you.

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