
Alpine pastures and cheese in the Alpes Vaudoises

During the summer, our herds of cows enjoy the Alpine pastures, which gives birth to typical products from our region: the Alpine cheese. By visiting the mountain pastures of the Alpes Vaudoises, you can meet the artisan cheesemakers from our region.

On the lush mountain pastures, the local artisans, with their unique know-how, are only too pleased to present their produce. From Leysin to the Col des Mosses, passing by Château-d’Œx or the Col de la Croix, the Alpine farms are places of meetings and exchanges. Discover the passion that animates daily summer life in the mountain pastures of the Vaud Alps.

Have a real insight into Alpine life. Discover the authentic way of making cheese in the mountain pastures. One of the best known in the region is undoubtedly Etivaz AOP. This cheese from the Swiss Alps is made according to the process of days gone by and with respect for tradition! Copper vats, wood fire and unique know-how are the secrets of an exceptional cheese.

Take the time to observe the animals that spend a whole summer at altitude, including cows, goats, sheep, donkeys, pigs and hens: a great attraction for young children. 

Epicureans are not mistaken: mountain pastures are ideal places to taste local products full of flavours. Some farms offer breakfast every morning, others act as mountain refreshment bars and offer a choice of drinks and products made on the farm or locally. Take home delicious double cream, a piece of cheese or butter with a thousand flavours.

The icing on the cake, the views from these alpine farms looking over the valleys and peaks of the Alps are, for the most part, spectacular. 

Banner - Assortment of local products Buvette Col de la Croix - Summer - Villars - Visualps
Discovering the alpine farms of the Vaud Alps

Stop by the chalet and grab a piece of cheese!



Etivaz AOP is a hard pasture cheese made by hand between May and October. It meets precise and demanding specifications. The milk produced by the cows is rich and flowery thanks to the varieties of grass that cover the lush mountain pastures, which are located between 1,000 and 2,000m above sea level.

It is made daily at the mountain pasture with raw milk. The milk is heated exclusively over a wood fire in copper boilers. The curing process brings out the rich, fruity aromas.

Each year, around 19,000 pieces of Etivaz AOP are produced across all the mountain pastures.

Maison de l'Etivaz
Maison de l'Etivaz

The shop, Le Magasin de L’Etivaz, is situated next to the famous L’Etivaz AOP Cheese Cellars.

More Information

Experience the traditions of the mountain pastures and cheese making

Learn more about traditional alpine cheese making by meeting the cheese makers who will pass on their passion.

From Alpine traditions to popular events

Several traditions are very strongly anchored in the identity of the Vaud Alps’ inhabitants. Go to meet them and get to know their traditions during demonstrations. You can taste typical local products. The désalpe, the festival that marks the end of the mountain pasture season for the herd, is the authentic way of perceiving the passion of the mountain farmers for their herd and their activity.

Taste local products or stroll through the mountain pastures!

Combine the day with a walk in the mountains and a meeting with Alpine cheese artisans. Sitting in front of the chalet, contemplating the view; a tasting completes the walk.

You can even bring a piece of cheese directly from the farm or discover the ways to cook in the traditional methods of the mountain restaurants.

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