
Without impact on the joints and without mercy for cellulite, pedal in the water to the rhythm of the music and refine your figure. This course is particularly beneficial as part of a slimming programme.


The aquagym course consists of strengthening the muscles of the whole body as well as the cardio-respiratory capacities by using the aquatic element to relieve your joints.

Body pump

The Body pump is a fitness class which aims to strengthen the muscles in a complete, pre-choreographed way. It allows you to develop muscular endurance through numerous repetitions.

Body Sculpt

Body Sculpt is a muscle strengthening class that allows you to work on all the muscle groups using small equipment such as dumbbells, weights, bars, step...

Aquatic circuit training

The aquatic circuit training is a workshop that works the whole body. The cardio is there and your joints are preserved. The training consists of several workshops divided between cardio exercises and muscle strengthening. The circuit is fun, it is carried out over a predefined number of laps to exercise while having fun.

Thighs-abdos-glutes (CAF)

The thighs-abdos-buttocks course is a muscle strengthening course targeting these three muscle groups.

Buttocks-abdos-arms (FAB)

The buttocks-abdos-arms class is a muscle strengthening class targeting these three muscle groups.


The spinning class is a high intensity indoor cycling class. The spinning class is a high-intensity indoor cycling class with no impact on your joints.


Yoga consists of concentration, balance and postural muscle strengthening linked to specific nasal breathing. This programme is ideal for stressed workers and helps to develop strength and flexibility. Yoga helps you to breathe better, relax, concentrate, strengthen your muscles and mobilise your joints.

Take a private class with one of our coaches to identify and correct physical limitations, to learn the basics of important movements that will strengthen your back and all your joints, or to optimise your work according to your personal goals. Rate : CHF 120 per 45 minute session - 1 hour (from 1 to 5 people)