
Implement an energy efficiency strategy by adopting energy efficiency measures and more economical technologies. Reduce our energy consumption by 6% by 2029 compared with 2019.

Mobility / Carbon footprint

Working to reduce our direct and indirect carbon emissions. Develop shared solutions to promote low-emission mobility options.

Natural resources

Understand the richness and diversity of our natural environment to better preserve and enhance it. Promoting responsible tourism by raising awareness among our visitors and encouraging sustainable practices.


Optimising the management of our operating and maintenance waste and exploring opportunities for recovery and recycling. Make our employees aware of the importance of waste management. Raising our customers' awareness of waste reduction, providing sustainable solutions and working together for a cleaner mountain.

Solidarity and employment

To create employment opportunities, support local development and establish solid partnerships with local stakeholders in order to promote the well-being of all and contribute to the growth of the destination. Do all we can to make our mountains places where everyone can find their place and enjoy a good quality of life.