Contact information
Esther et Jean-Claude Ginier
Chemin des Saves 14
1862 La Comballaz
In summer, their 15 cows go up to the alpage in Sonnaz, above Les Mosses. Jean-Claude goes up in the morning and evening to milk the cows and brings the milk to the farm. It is there that Esther transforms it into hard farmhouse cheeses, raclette or tommes. All the cheeses are made from raw milk from the mountain pastures and are made over a wood fire in a copper boiler. They are then matured in the cellar of their farm and sold on the spot as well as in shops in the region (Les Mosses, Le Sépey, Leysin) or in Lausanne and Geneva.
Their speciality, Le Serpolait, is a hard cheese whose rind, after 6 to 8 weeks of maturing, is sprinkled with dried wild thyme harvested in the surrounding mountain pastures.
Direct sale 7 days a week
Visit of the farm
Pays-d'Enhaut Région Économie et Tourisme
Chemin des Ballons 2
1660 Château-d'Œx
+41 26 924 25 25