This traffic garden is provided and maintained by the commune of Bex. There is a small, simple wooden pond. It is similar to those found in many pastures or private estates.
This garden has mainly an educational function. It is made available to all the prevention officers of the Chablais police force, both in the canton of Vaud and in the canton of Valais, and even to the Savatan police academy. It should be remembered that this school takes in future police officers, gendarmes and inspectors from the cantons and communes of Geneva, Valais and Vaud. Many of them come to Bex to learn traffic control techniques.
But this garden is mainly used by schoolchildren, especially from the 8th grade. The courses are organised by a police instructor who will teach them the signals and then, only on bicycles, the rules of the road. Parents can also request that younger children take part. And now, enjoy the ride!
Office du Tourisme de Bex
Avenue de la Gare 68
1880 Bex
+41 24 463 30 80