It was for them that a place setting was installed in the second half of the 19th century, a sort of charity work whose author was a Neuchâtel man, Frédéric Rosselet, who often stayed in Bex with his wife Marianne née Veillon.
Today, the original cover is no longer there. It must be said that the fountain, located in a place where there is a lot of traffic, was "shaken" several times during the 20th century.
The municipality was even tempted to demolish the whole thing in 1994 when a lorry damaged both the basin and the roof, but the Vaud State Council, in view of the need for protected monuments, put a stop to this, and everything was restored, or at least almost, since, as mentioned above, the second basin, into which the water from the first flowed, was demolished.
A word about the marble in this fountain. The goat, in other words the vertical pillar with the spout from which the water flows, is made of black marble from St. Triphon. The basin could also have been made of the same type of stone, but granite won out at the end of the 19th century.
Office du Tourisme de Bex
Avenue de la Gare 68
1880 Bex
+41 24 463 30 80