Contact information
Paroisse catholique de Villars
Chemin de la Gare 18
1884 Villars-sur-Ollon
The recently created parish of Villars-Gryon, merging the 2 separate parishes of Villars and Gryon, covers the hills of the municipality of Ollon and specifically includes Villars, Chesières, Huémoz and Arveyes and the municipality of Gryon. Although situated in the Vaud region, it is part of the diocese of Sion. In 2008, of a total population of approximately 4,200, 1,233 were of Catholic faith. The community swells significantly during the tourist seasons with the arrival of visitors from all over the world.
Office du Tourisme de Villars
Avenue Centrale 140 CP 100
1884 Villars-sur-Ollon
+41 24 495 32 32