Contact information
Association du Jardin alpin des Diablerets "Les Tussilages"
Chemin de la Chapelle 2
1865 Les Diablerets
Located at an altitude of 1,170 m, under the Protestant chapel in the village of Les Diablerets, the Alpine Garden of Les Diablerets covers an area of approximately 2,500 m2.
A small mazot, paths, a trail of streams, small waterfalls and ponds enliven the area. A fountain provides fresh glacier water.
Identify the species you find in the Alpine Garden during your excursions in the mountains of the Ormonts valley or, on your return, by strolling through the garden. To help you, the Latin and common names are listed next to each plant.
Plants from further afield (Greece, Turkey...) also enrich our garden. Medicinal plants have their place in the garden, as well as natural rosebushes which offer the superb spectacle of their delicate flowers.
Various activities are offered during the summer months, subject to registration:
The team of volunteers who maintain and enrich the Alpine Garden are available during the flowering period to answer visitors' questions at least once a week on site.
The Alpine Garden of Les Diablerets was made possible by a substantial donation from the Loterie Romande.
Office du Tourisme des Diablerets
Chemin du Collège 2
1865 Les Diablerets
+41 24 492 00 10