Dätwyler Bazar-SportsOpposite Villars railway station, this sports/souvenir shop is open all year round.
Dätwyler Sports Roc d'OrsayThis sport shop at the foot of the gondola is the ideal place to rent your equipment; ski lockers available.
Sport's HouseSports shop, summer/winter, ski, snowboard, mountain bike and e-bike hire and sales of sportswear and accessories in Villars.
Bike Addict Service - Mobile bike workshopA mobile bike workshop service for all your bike repairs, advice and sales in Villars-Gryon and the Chablais region.
Dätwyler Bazar-SportsOpposite Villars railway station, this sports/souvenir shop is open all year round.
Dätwyler Sports Roc d'OrsayThis sport shop at the foot of the gondola is the ideal place to rent your equipment; ski lockers available.
Sport's HouseSports shop, summer/winter, ski, snowboard, mountain bike and e-bike hire and sales of sportswear and accessories in Villars.
Bike Addict Service - Mobile bike workshopA mobile bike workshop service for all your bike repairs, advice and sales in Villars-Gryon and the Chablais region.