Contact information
Mathias Lecocq - Tournage
Routes des Ouges 3
1660 Les Moulins
Every Tuesday of the year, come to the Pays-d'Enhaut to learn the woodturning technique.
Under the guidance of Mathias, come and make apples and pears out of various types of local and Swiss wood. This is the perfect way to discover the art of woodturning, to learn the gestures and the proper use of the tools, to discover the different woods and to leave with several unique souvenirs. Each piece of wood will reveal itself under the different gouges handled by your hands.
Mathias Lecocq is a young sculptor and woodturner who shares with you his passion for manual woodworking. From the idea to the realization, from the tree to a creation, Mathias combines the design, the research of the forms and the conception with a craft know-how. Wood is a unique material, a work of art through its grain. Wanting to preserve this know-how, he carves entirely by hand with hundreds of different gouges to be able to adapt to all curves and give the finished piece a unique aspect by caressing the wood in the direction of the grain. Designing, turning and carving: he works the wood as a work of art in itself, to finally allow the pieces that were previously enclosed in the wood to appear. Passing on his passion, this unique know-how of careful work with selected tools is a real pleasure for him.
Services included
Explanations and initiation to woodturning with a hand chisel.
Creation of objects on the lathe
Each participant leaves with a souvenir that they have made.
Pays-d'Enhaut Région Économie et Tourisme
Chemin des Ballons 2
1660 Château-d'Œx
+41 26 924 25 25